Learn More: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is a crucial part of modern DevOps practices. CI/CD introduces automation and continuous monitoring throughout the lifecycle of apps, from integration and testing phases to delivery and deployment.

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Developers merge their changes back to the main branch as often as possible. The developer’s changes are validated by creating a build and running automated tests against the build. CI detects and locates errors quickly because each change is small.

  • Continuous Delivery (CD): An extension of continuous integration to make sure that you can release new changes to your customers quickly in a sustainable way. This means that on top of having automated your testing, you also have automated your release process and you can deploy your application at any point of time by clicking on a button.

At Southern Lights, we specialize in setting up and managing CI/CD pipelines that automate the software release process, enable rapid, reliable, and frequent updates.

Ready to revolutionize your software delivery process with CI/CD? Contact our DevOps experts today and let’s get started.

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